The first sofa we have ever made was our wooden frame Lounge chair, back in 2007. The lounge chair, lounge ottoman, and lounge table were basically the first "collection" we ever did. We've been renting them since for beach side events, resort style, Havana nights- mostly outdoors (we called them "lounge" chairs after all...) and we also added them striped covers as well as black with white piping covers. They have that beach feel. After all, we were inspired by Nikki beach and beach side hotels when we built them. But we really love when our clients use them in a completely different surrounding. The photos below are taken from set ups at an intimate hotel meeting room and a swimsuit trade show in a temporary tent and we love the calm, warm, elegant, and unpretentious feeling it brings with it.
a set up of the lounge chairs inside the 1 Hotel meeting room. for added warmth, plants were added as well as our walnut box tables, duke side tables, and Eames replica chairs.
a mixture of plants and colorful pillows together with our lounge chairs at the Cabana show on Miami Beach.