Taste Of Design - A night for the Design & Architecture Senior High School

by Natalie Eshkenasy

The “Taste of Design” event that took place at the Moore Building was a celebration for foodies, awakening the senses through a dazzling array of epicurean delights, fashion, art, music, film and a spectacular silent auction. Proceeds from the event directly benefits the DASH PTSA and raise critical funds to invest in quality education for DASH’s next generation of talented artistic and design professions. Our team was on site to create several seating areas for guests to lounge and enjoy the night. 

The main furniture lounge area was situated on the ground floor and was placed close to a wall decorated with artistic works by the students of Dash. 

Upstairs, we provided our stainless steel highboys that were paired with clear barstools to create a more casual environment where guests can eat and view the scene from above. 

Upstairs, we provided our stainless steel highboys that were paired with clear bar stools to create a more casual environment where guests can eat and view the scene from above.