Bring back time with images at your event

by Ronen Tamary

We've been featured on Event Solution magazine under "28 great corporate branding ideas" for an event we did earlier this year. The event took place at the Penthouse of the 1111 building on Lincoln Rd and was in collaboration with Arel Ramos. I wanted to take the chance to share some ideas with you.

When I met Arel we talked about the importance of keeping this event as modern and minimalistic as possible because of the space, but fun and groovy as soul train was in the 70's. The event was not only executed through design - it's was about the whole. Arel hired a Motown band to play live music (they wore white suits and all) and a stylist to dress up the guests and staff in authentic vintage clothing. Our part was to create a minimalistic lounge and some other decor elements for accent. The challenge was to keep all 70's design as modern as possible so it will look balanced with the minimalism of the space. We chose to do so by using authentic iconic photos from that era placed in modern shaped elements. So we used our illuminated columns for rent with printed images of iconic 70's figures. It worked out great! it was a focal point, and a backdrop for almost every guest on their Instagram.  


Iconic images of the 70's on columns

Iconic images of the 70's on columns

illuminated columns with 70's images 

illuminated columns with 70's images 

So why we choose to use images? I found that one way to bring back an era into your decor is through photos. Guests can easily connect, relate, and feel nostalgic with them. Think about it, a photo is a frozen second in time, like a time machine that brings you back to an exact moment in life. If you use it to bring authenticity into your decor, you will win! so here is my tip: not every photo will make it, search for real images from the era of your theme. It can be people, architecture, or certain elements like a car or retro packaging. Anything that was authentic and brings back the feeling of that time. whatever you do stay away from look-alike custom-y photos! 



UrbanDaddy and Herradura

by Ronen Tamary

Check out our bar set ups we did yesterday for an event at the Temple House on Miami Beach. The event that was hosted by UrbanDaddy, included rental furniture such as the White Molding Bars with the Ella Shelving as a back bar, the 8' illuminated bar for the DJ, and our Museum Display cases. Herradura Tequila, who participated in the event, used the Illuminated display cases to place their product in a really cool way.  


Check out more photos from this event on Jipsy's web site:

A Blue Rooftop

by Natalie Eshkenasy

This past weekend we delivered a blue lounge, mirror bars, and highboys for a corporate event at the rooftop of the New World Center, Home Of The New World Symphony, America's Orchestra Academy. The rooftop is an amazing spot for an event because guests get to enjoy great views of Miami Beach. The lounge was designed by Jason Frix and was placed close to the edge of the rooftop for guests to grab a drink and enjoy the surroundings. The rental furniture included our blue Banquet Sofas with accent pillows, Sapphire pedestals, and blue patterned ottomans.  


illy Coffee making sure its noticed

by Ronen Tamary

Here's a great example of how our client used our furniture rental collection as a tool for event branding.  illy, promoting its illy issimo brand, wanted to make sure their logo will be visible during the event when the bar gets full. So   added it to the illuminated image stand, that was placed behind the illuminated bar. Being at eye level, the logo was visible at all times while guests were waiting for their drinks.   
